Macy Yost, Salina South Volleyball-Presented by Farm Bureau

Macy Yost is a senior at Salina South. She has been gearing up for this final season of high school volleyball by spending time in the gym during the offseason. “It is important to keep working over the summer, so we are not behind all the other schools when we come back in the fall. We had open gyms and weightlifting in the summer and spent a lot of time each week working to get better.”

Yost plays outside hitter and back row, and she has the stats to back it up. Yost averaged 3.3 digs during her junior year, which ended her season with 250 digs for the year. In addition, Yost had 494 serve receptions for the season.

During the year, Yost wants to step up as a team leader not just on the court, but off the court as well. Yost and her teammates want to rack up as many wins as they can, especially the close games, throughout the season and make it to the state tournament.

There are many fun things Yost is looking forward to this season such as theme practices. Not only are these fun for the team, but the team also still works hard during practice. One of the most anticipated games of the season is the game against city rival Salina Central.

After graduation this coming spring, Yost would like to attend Kansas State University. Although not completely sure of what career path she will be taking, Yost is looking at something in the nursing sector. In addition to volleyball, Yost plays softball and is involved in HOSA, FCA, and she is part of the Writing Center.