By Blake Chadwick
After a runner-up finish in the 6-man state football game and a state championship win in the state basketball game, Cunningham is looking to right their loss this football season.
“For the first time in my career, the core of this team made the final football game and the final basketball game,” head coach Lance McGuire said. “There is not much time in between sports when that happens. Everything has felt like it has been on fast forward.”
With a shortened off season, players like senior Luke Albers aren’t too worried because they know just how special they can be.
“Our main goal this year is to be right where we were last year,” Albers said. “Off-season has helped the underclassmen get much better. We need to be crisp during every practice and every play and find the opponents weaknesses if we want to play for a state championship again.”
Cunningham will be a senior-laden team for the first time in a long time for McGuire.
“We expect to improve,” McGuire said. “Last year did not end as we wanted it to. We did not have our best game of the year in the biggest game. We will work to make that happen. We will attack (our problems) in several ways. We will tweak some things on offense and defense to put us in a better position. We will work harder in practice. We will continue to work on depth for stability late in the season.”