Bennington’s Cooper Matthews – Call Of The Wild Athlete Of The Month Presented By Commercial Tire

By Matt Browning

When it comes to Bennington’s Cooper Matthews being an outdoorsman, it has as much to do with family than anything else.

“I’ve been going hunting with my dad for as long as I can remember, but my knowledge and drive for it has continued to grow over the years,” Matthews said.

At the very least, Matthews is either hunting or fishing every weekend.

“I scout locations and study patterns throughout the week,” Matthews said. “For fishing, I go out whenever the weather allows. When I’m not out hunting or fishing, my time is spent on prepping decoys, researching/watching videos, practicing calling or simply cleaning and maintaining my equipment.”

There are two specific memories that stand out to Matthews.

“Two memories that stick out to me are pheasant and quail hunting with my grandpa and dad,” Matthews said. “I carried a toy shotgun and was so excited to one day be able hunt ‘for real’ alongside the two people I looked up to the most. My second memory would be my first duck hunt which was in Oklahoma with my brother-in-law, his brother and his buddies. We shot a six-man limit of ringnecks and ever since then I knew this was where all my time and money would be going.”

Hunting or fishing allows Matthews to escape from any stresses he might have at that time.

“When I’m hunting, I use it as an escape from the real world,” Matthews said. “All the negative things in life go away and I can just sit in nature and be content.”