Little River’s Aubrey Olander was one of Class 1A Division I’s top players last season, averaging 15 points and 10 rebounds per game, but that has not stopped her from grinding in the weight room and gym in order for the Redskins to get to the next level.
“I missed out on summer basketball due to injury, but I spent a lot of time in the weight room with my teammates and shot baskets in my spare time working to make myself better for this season,” Olander said. “I have also kept in shape by participating in track and volleyball.
One area that I wanted to improve on this year is my rebounding. I have worked on this area by pushing myself in the weight room to get stronger and being more aggressive during games and
practices. It helps tremendously to have very competitive teammates who push me every day in
Little River has a new coach this season, but Olander thinks the combination of Coach Rolfs and the expectations will make for a fun ride this season.
“After last season, we have a lot to prove, and getting a fresh start this season with new plays and a different viewpoint of the game has been a learning experience but also a lot of fun,” Olander said.
“Our new head coach Cy Rolfs has taught us a lot about the game of basketball and we are looking forward to extending the success we’ve had so far this season.”