McPherson High School’s cross-country team has the senior runner, Garrett Floyd.
Floyd has been working hard this season to get a best time of 17:30. Floyd looks at
time for goals and has almost always set goals around running specific times to
find improvement throughout the season. As a team, McPherson would like to
have their shot at winning State. “This is the first year we have a really solid shot
at winning it.” McPherson has a solid group of male runners, and this combination
could make McPherson’s goal happen.
Floyd was looking forward to the meets at El Dorado and Rim Rock Classic. Both
of these meets are good measures for Floyd to see how progress is going for the
season. “I don’t usually PR at Rim Rock, but I do use it as a benchmark for
progress if I run it faster than the year before.” El Dorado is a meet Floyd typically
PR’s at, and it will be a good test to see if Floyd will be able to achieve time goals
for the season.
During the summer months, Floyd and teammates meet in the morning three days a
week to prepare for the upcoming season. Floyd also ran without the team this
summer on the off days of team training. “This summer I also did some
weightlifting on my own to strengthen my legs more, so I had the ability to do
more when the season came around.”
After graduation this coming spring, Floyd plans to pursue a degree in mechanical
engineering with a focus in manufacturing technology. In addition to cross country,
Floyd also participates in track and Scholar’s Bowl for the high school.